Articles scientifiques et musicologiques de l'Ircam
3955 articles
- Jean-Louis Giavitto. All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace & A brief and subjective chronology of AI technics in music composition. 2020. ⟨hal-03018573⟩ consulter sur HAL
- Laurent Feneyrou. Luigi Nono, Fragmente-Stille, an Diotima. Contrechamps, 2021, 978-2-940068-62-3. ⟨hal-03501404⟩ consulter sur HAL
- Fanny Gribenski, Max Planck. Plenty of pitches. Nature Physics, 2020, 16 (2), pp.232-232. ⟨10.1038/s41567-019-0707-1⟩. ⟨hal-03005008⟩ consulter sur HAL
- Joseph Turian, Jordie Shier, Humair Raj Khan, Bhiksha Raj, Björn W. Schuller, et al.. HEAR: Holistic Evaluation of Audio Representations. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 2022, 176, pp.125-145. ⟨hal-04022489⟩ consulter sur HAL
- Louise Goupil, Pierre Saint-Germier, Gaëlle Rouvier, Diemo Schwarz, Clément Canonne. Musical coordination in a large group without plans nor leaders. Scientific Reports, 2020, ⟨10.1038/s41598-020-77263-z⟩. ⟨hal-03019776⟩ consulter sur HAL
- Sara Adhitya, Mika Kuuskankare. SUM: DE LA SONIFICATION D'IMAGE À LA COMPOSITION GRAPHIQUE ASSISTÉE PAR ORDINATEUR. Journées d'Informatique Musicale, 2012, Mons, France. ⟨hal-03041772⟩ consulter sur HAL
- Aline Menin, Michel Buffa, Maroua Tikat, Benjamin Molinet, Guillaume Pelerin, et al.. Incremental and multimodal visualization of discographies: exploring the WASABI music knowledge base. WAC 2022 - Web Audio Conference 2022, Jul 2022, Cannes, France. ⟨10.5281/zenodo.6767530⟩. ⟨hal-03748134⟩ consulter sur HAL
- Clément Canonne. Sur l’Ontologie de l’Improvisation. Ontologie Musicale : Perspectives et Débat, 2014. ⟨halshs-01141579⟩ consulter sur HAL
- Clément Canonne, Nicolas B. Garnier. Cognition and Segmentation In Collective Free Improvisation: An Exploratory Study. International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece. ⟨10.13140/2.1.3534.9445⟩. ⟨ensl-01137369⟩ consulter sur HAL
- Jean Tabouret. La dernière séquence. Resonance, 1995, 9, pp.1-1. ⟨hal-01156745⟩ consulter sur HAL
- Emmanuel Chuilon. L'univers des claviers électroniques. Ircam - Centre Georges Pompidou. Inharmoniques n° 7, Musique et authenticité, pp.1-1, 1991. ⟨hal-01156841⟩ consulter sur HAL
- François Déchelle, Maurizio de Cecco. The Ircam Real-Time Platform And Applications. ICMC: International Computer Music Conference, 1995, Banff, Canada. pp.1-1. ⟨hal-01157142⟩ consulter sur HAL
- Karol Abratkiewicz, Krzysztof Czarnecki, Dominique Fourer, François Auger. Estimation of time-frequency complex phase-based speech attributes using narrow band filter banks. 2017 Signal Processing Symposium (SPSympo), Sep 2017, Jachranka Village, France. pp.251 - 263, ⟨10.1109/SPS.2017.8053673⟩. ⟨hal-01701402⟩ consulter sur HAL
- Cyril Touzé, Pierre Lanchantin, Antoine Chaigne, Olivier Thomas. Transferts d'énergie par couplage modal : étude d'un cas particulier. congrès Français d'Acoustique, CFA 2002, 2002, Lille, France. ⟨hal-01154706⟩ consulter sur HAL
- Dominique Fober, Jean Bresson, Pierre Couprie, Yann Geslin. Les nouveaux espaces de la notation musicale : Groupe de travail AFIM. Journées d'Informatique Musicale, Faculté de musique de l'Université de Montréal, 2015, Montréal, Canada. ⟨hal-01160759v2⟩ consulter sur HAL
- Gianfranco Vinay. Salvatore Sciarrino: l'invitation au silence. Resonance, 1999, 15, pp.1-1. ⟨hal-01160994⟩ consulter sur HAL
- Jérôme Barthélemy, Alain Bonardi, Raffaele Ciavarella, Guillaume Boutard. Virtualization of real time audio processes : towards a musical notation of contemporary music.. CULTURAL HERITAGE on line, Dec 2009, Florence, Italy. pp.1-1. ⟨hal-01161066⟩ consulter sur HAL
- Benoît Meudic. Musical similarity in polyphonic context: a model outside time. Colloquium on musical informatics (CIM), May 2003, Firenze, Italy. pp.1-1. ⟨hal-01161129⟩ consulter sur HAL
- Olivier Lartillot. Perception-Based Musical Pattern Discovery: Why and How.. Third International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing, Sep 2003, Rennes, France. pp.1-1. ⟨hal-01161138⟩ consulter sur HAL
- Marcel Mesnage, André Riotte. Modélisation informatique de partitions, analyse et composition assistée. Ircam - Centre Georges Pompidou. Cahiers de l'Ircam n° 3, Recherche musicale : La composition assistée par ordinateur, pp.1-1, 1993. ⟨hal-01161195⟩ consulter sur HAL
- Diemo Schwarz, Norbert Schnell. Descriptor-based Sound Texture Sampling. Sound and Music Computing (SMC), Jul 2010, Barcelona, Spain. pp.510-515. ⟨hal-01161251⟩ consulter sur HAL
- Diemo Schwarz, Roland Cahen, François Brument, Hui Ding, Christian Jacquemin. Sound Level of Detail in Interactive Audiographic 3D Scenes. International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Jul 2011, Huddersfield, United Kingdom. pp.1-1. ⟨hal-01161295⟩ consulter sur HAL
- Jean Bresson, Marco Stroppa, Carlos Agon. Generation and Representation of Data and Events for the Control of Sound Synthesis. Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC'07), 2007, Lefkada, Greece. ⟨hal-01161374⟩ consulter sur HAL
- Arshia Cont. Real-time Transcription of Music Signals: MIREX2007 Submission Description. ISMIR 2007 / MIREX 2007, Sep 2007, Vienna, Austria. pp.1-1. ⟨hal-01161379⟩ consulter sur HAL
- Chunghsin Yeh, Niels Bogaards, Axel Roebel. Synthesized polyphonic music database with verifiable ground truth for multiple F0 estimation. International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR'07), Sep 2007, Vienna, Austria, France. pp.393-398. ⟨hal-01161386⟩ consulter sur HAL
- Damien Tardieu, Xavier Rodet. An Instrument Timbre Model For Computer Aided Orchestration. WASPAA, Oct 2007, New Paltz, NY, United States. pp.1-1. ⟨hal-01161393⟩ consulter sur HAL
- Ianis Lallemand, Diemo Schwarz. Interaction-optimized Sound Database Representation. DAFx, Sep 2011, Paris, France. pp.1-1. ⟨hal-01161307⟩ consulter sur HAL
- Chunghsin Yeh, Axel Roebel. The expected amplitude of overlapping partials of harmonic sounds. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP'09), 2009, Taipei, Taiwan. pp.3169-3172. ⟨hal-01161312⟩ consulter sur HAL
- Frédéric Bevilacqua, Remy Müller, Norbert Schnell. MnM: a Max/MSP mapping toolbox. New Interfaces for Musical Expression, May 2005, Vancouver, France. pp.85-88. ⟨hal-01161330⟩ consulter sur HAL
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